I went to the door, and found my dog still asleep on the porch, as if nothing at all had happen.

It shook my whole house and I jump about 3" out of my chair. and it sounded and felt like a truck had ran into the side of my house. But the most disturbing event occurred 2 years ago, when I was in my study working on my second book (I am an author). by either standing over me, while I sleep or opening and closing my bedroom door.

She also has a habitual ritual of waking me up at night at exactly 2:36 p.m. She has even knocked a paint brush and paint roller out of my hand on two occasions, until we agreed on the color. She has called my name out-loud on several occasions, too. The most common activity is noises like the breaking of dishes, knocking on wood, doors, and walls. She shows up in my hall, and at my chimney, which I understand are door ways in addition to stairwells. She always has the same dress on, which is early 1900's based on the design. I have named my resident ghost Betty, for I have seen her on 3 occasions since 2001. May I ask what other kind of activity has occured prior to this? Thanks.JN I guess its possible it gained energy from those items, however nothing suprises me when it comes to this kind of activity. Each and every case of activity is different. Hi Kemp, I do know spirits communicate with us through water, and electricity. I am extremely puzzled and I would appreciate any advice or facts anyone might have on this subject. My question is: do ghost use water in any ways to communicate, phase in or out, or is there some other message my ghost is trying to bring to my attention. I searched the areas of the house where the articles were found for any obvious leaks. wood usually turns white from water being on it for a period of time. Even more strange to me, is that I have hard wood floors, and the wood beneath the rug and the clothing showed no signs of water, i.e. When I went to pick them up, they too, were soaking wet with water. Then moments later, I noticed a pair of shorts, underwear, and a single sock lying on the floor in my den in front of my window. When I awoke this past Saturday morning, to my surprise, I found that my cotton rug, which lies in front of my favorite chair was soaked to the bone with water. I have experienced paranormal occurrences in my home, since I began living there in 2001, however recently something new has happened, and I am unaware of the any connection between my resident ghost and the water.