I do this because the books were meant to be contemporary (as opposed to historical), and I don't want the reader to have a time disconnect. For instance, I change VHS to DVD, and roller skates to Rollerblades, and sticks of gum are now pieces of gum. Usually when I edit these books I do some modernizing. Naughty Neighbor is the eighth in the lineup, and it's presented here in almost original form. I'm excited to tell you that those nine stories are now being re-released by HarperCollins.

All immediately went out of print and could be found only at used bookstores and yard sales. Nine of these stories were originally published by the Loveswept line between the years 19. Red-hot screwball comedies, each and every one of them.

In a previous life, before the time of Plum, I wrote twelve short romance novels.